Wed, Oct 23rd, 2024.

12pm PDT/ 3pm EDT/ 8pm GMT


A portion of proceeds from this event will be donated to the Ally Global Foundation — Anti human trafficking charity

Are you ready to
liberate your soul?

Welcome Dear One,

During this 90 minute live event, you will experience a profound healing journey, as I guide you to clear the sexual wound imprint, grounded in love & compassion.

Much love,

Do you relate to any of this?

  • Were you sexually abused as a child and even though you’ve done a lot of work on yourself, you still feel the ouch of this tender wound?

  • Or maybe you don’t have a memory of sexual abuse, but you intuitively feel something is not quite right?

  • Do you sense that you inherited sexual wounds of your ancestors and still carry this in your energy field?

  • Do you feel disconnected from the sacredness and beauty of your sexual body?

  • Did past religious influence leave an imprint of shame?

Why should you join us?

When you feel peace at the root of your sexual body and it's merged with your Divine spirit body, it impacts all expression...

  • You feel liberated at the core of your soul.

  • You feel a new sense of safeness, freedom, and joy in your body.

  • You exude more confidence.

  • Your voice has deeper resonance and feels more grounded.

  • You are a more playful, peaceful version of yourself, in intimacy and through the expression of your Divine calling.

  • You embody a deep inner calmness.


*Would you prefer a private one-on-one session with Jaitara?
Click here to go to her private session page.

Wed, Oct 23rd, 2024.

12pm PDT/ 3pm EDT/ 8pm GMT


Imagine this...

During this 2.5 hour event, reclaim the part of you that's been holding back out of self-protection... and step into a new feeling of inner peace, self-love, and spiritual expansion within your sexual body.

*Due to the vulnerable nature of this work, participants will not be on camera, unless you are 1 of the 2 volunteers who receive one-on-one time with me on the call.

Prefer to work privately with me?

Single Private Session

$240 USD
40% savings on 1st session ($144.)
Use coupon code: CLEARING40

Package of 3 Sessions

$580 USD
Let's dive in, layer by layer

Consultation Call

Have questions before booking?
Book a free 15 minute consultation call with me to receive more clarity

I Am Jaitara

In 1999, I experienced a profound spiritual awakening as I began my own healing journey from adolescent sexual exploitation and abuse. The awareness and awakening that unfolded through my healing journey, was truly profound and beautiful.

Now at 68 years young, I embody a life of consistent peacefulness, playfulness, dance, and spiritually infused sexual vibrancy.

I have years of experience through my own healing journey, certifications, working with thousands of workshop participants and clients, and by refining my skills and gifts along this path of sacred sexual healing and enlightenment. This work is my devotion.

When I discovered The Compassion Key® in 2022, it blew me away. I knew it was the modality I had been seeking, as before this, people had to see me in person for the best impact. Now, geography is no longer an issue, as The Compassion Key® is facilitated over Zoom. I am a certified Compassion Key® Master Practitioner/Teacher. This modality is the most beautiful and powerful healing method I have ever experienced for clearing the sexual wound imprint, and it weaves so beautifully with my own methods.

Now I have supported thousands more utilizing this powerful and beautiful modality through private sessions and group clearings.

Dear One, it is my honor to share with you.
Want to join us?

Much love,

*Below are reviews from private clients.

Group Event: Wed, Oct 23rd, 2024.

12pm PDT/ 3pm EDT/ 8pm GMT


Reviews after receiving their first private one-on-one session.

*Due to the vulnerable and intimate nature of this work, some prefer to share anonymously

"Jaitara Jayde gave me a gift. A gift to feel joy in my body, to feel love and excitement about being in my body, a sense of freedom and connection I haven't felt in a long time or maybe never in this lifetime. After our session, I was dancing, singing and laughing throughout my day. I am so grateful for your compassion and guidance, Jaitara. With all my heart I can say within this gratitude I feel love for you. Thank you." ~ Josephine K.

"I’ve carried anxiety, confusion and grief from childhood. Although I’ve managed to heal a lot, these feelings have persisted. I love Jaitara’s book, The Four Sacred Laws of Sexual Enlightenment. I found her extremely easy to be open with. I felt seen, heard, and held in a safe energetic container. After our session, I sensed an unusual amount of peace enveloping me, and felt excited to live my life from this new place of more self compassion. If you are looking for powerful work and results, I recommend Jaitara with all my heart." ~ Mara M; British Columbia

"To sum up my session – it felt like I had 8000 hours of therapy in an hour and a half. Jaitara held sacred space for me to share where I was stuck. Even after multiple hours of previous therapy, I was still having issues with a part of my past. Jaitara worked her magic and by the end of the session I felt whole again. She is kind, warm and amazing at what she does. I highly recommend her!"

~ Anonymous; Alberta, Canada

Liberation is calling you!

This event has been life changing for previous participants. Here is what one of them had to say:
"Jaitara became my FB friend about 3 or 4 months ago. I had no idea who she was or that she did this incredible healing work. But she does this healing work. And I needed this healing work as I progress in my own journey of overcoming trauma in my life. Have you ever had something that hurt you so badly you couldn’t even cry about it? I have. There is a knot that forms in your chest and you know crying will relieve it but you can’t cry. During Jaitara’s powerful healing session I finally cried. And I cried. And I cried. And a weight lifted off my chest. And now I am free of the burden of that experience. Jaitara is a godsend for me. I highly recommend her." - Mercy M.

Beloved One, what have you got to loose, other than some emotional weight of the past?
It's going to be a magical journey.

*Note: there will be no selling on this call. This is solely a healing & clearing experience.

If you would prefer a private one-on-one session with Jaitara, click here to go to her private session page.

Jaitara's Book

The Four Sacred Laws
of Sexual Enlightenment

Endorsed by Don Miguel Ruiz,
author of The Four Agreements .

Available on Amazon

Your Sacred Pleasure & Prosperity Archetypes— Ignite Divine connection with your sexuality & with money

This book gives you the insight to point a finger at what has not been working and to shift unhealthy patterns into greater peace and awareness. It is a doorway to create Pleasure & Prosperity™ that is in Divine flow & turned on in the soul.

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@ Copyright 2023 - Jaitara Jayde - Feminine Artistry |

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